It is critical to announce your graduation to your loved ones through mail-delivered graduation cards. You can design your custom graduation cards through online design providers such as Mixbook according to your preferences to be presentable to your recipients. The mailing envelope is critical for ensuring that your card is delivered correctly to your targeted recipients to ensure your efforts are not wasted. But, addressing the envelope should not be difficult. While you can be informal while addressing the inner envelope, you need to be formal on the mailing invoice. Follow the following tips to complete your envelope.
Handwrite the Address
It is more personal to handwrite than to print your addresses. However, when you handwrite your address on your mailing envelope, please ensure you use black or blue ink and ensure you use a pen that will not easily smear when it gets wet. While your recipient will feel special when you handwrite the addresses, you will have to ensure that your handwriting is legible to ensure that the postal workers deliver the card correctly. Additionally, write your address at the center of the back of the envelope. Also, remember to leave a space in the upper-right-hand corner for the stamp. If you are not confident about your handwriting, please ask a friend or a family member to help you.
Be Formal
You are free to address the inner envelope informally, and you can name your recipient as you address them in everyday life. However, it would help if you used formal titles and the full names of your recipients for the exterior envelope. Write the entire first and last names along with the appropriate titles such as Mrs. and Dr., if your recipients are a married couple, include the title and the first and last name for each of them. If you send the card to two people living together but are not married, you can include both names accordingly. When the two people have different titles, both titles should come first before the names.
Avoid Abbreviations
Write the full mailing address on the envelope without abbreviating the avenue of the street. Also, ensure you capture the city, state, and ZIP codes in full. However, postal abbreviations can be acceptable under different circumstances. Also, ensure you follow the formal arrangement of the address, and if the ZIP code does not fit on one line with the city and state, or it makes the line too long, you can write it below the line.
Include the Return Address on the Flap
While the return address for most cards and letters goes on the back of the envelope at the top-left-hand corner, you should include it on the flap for your graduation announcement. However, you can make some attempts with an erasable pencil to ensure enough space on the flap to include your complete address. But, you can use abbreviations for this address.
Confirm You Insert Everything Before Sealing the Envelope
Before you seal your mailing envelope, insert the inner envelope and anything else you might include. You might ruin your envelope if you seal it and you forget something. But if you confirm everything is intact, close the entire announcement by sealing the outer envelope. You can buy some seals for your envelope or lightly moisten the edge of the envelope to seal it close.
If you have not yet designed your card, consider using Mixbook for a professionally designed card that will stand out from the rest. The website is simple to use, and you can choose your cards from the available templates and customize them to fit your preferences.